If you’re unfortunate enough to have a clog in your main sewer line, you’ll need to call a contractor to unclog it. Most sewer lines are made of concrete. As such, they’re not like your home’s plumbing system that is made of pipes that can bend and fold. And because of this, it’s often impossible to use a snake to clear a sewer line clog. If you’re dealing with a backup in your home’s main line, the best thing you can do is call a contractor and let them deal with clearing your main sewer line. If possible, though, there are a few things you can do to try and prevent a clog in the first place. Here are some things you can do if you have a clog in your main sewer line:
Check for root intrusion.
If you’ve got trees growing too close to your main sewer line, you’re likely to have a clog. And in some cases, you may even have a root that has managed to grow completely inside your sewer line, which is known as root intrusion.You can check for this by using a sewer snake and pressing it along the length of your main sewer line. If you press it with enough force and see that the line is completely smooth and there are no breaks, then you’re good to go.If you don’t have a sewer snake, you can try using a small shovel. Make sure to wear gloves and dig carefully as you don’t want to make the problem worse by digging in the wrong spot.
Clean your sewer and manhole regularly.
Your home’s sewer is a long, winding path that travels from your house through the main sewer line and out to the municipal sewer in your street or neighborhood. If you have a tree growing in your yard, it will likely begin to block one section of your sewer line. In this situation, you want to clean your manhole (the opening where your sewer line enters your home) as often as you clean your sewer.And if you have a tree growing inside your sewer line, you want to clean your main sewer line as often as possible. This isn’t an easy thing to do, but it’s crucial for preventing the buildup of debris that could result in a sewer line clog.
Use a tree protector.
If you’re unfortunate enough to have a tree growing too close to your main sewer line, one way to help prevent a clog is to use a tree protector. A tree protector is a device that attaches to your tree to divert some of the nutrients away from the main line. When used correctly, a tree protector can divert a majority of the nutrients away from the main line, which can help keep it from clogging up.If you don’t have a tree protector, you can try placing tree barriers in the path of the tree. These tree barriers are essentially a thick pad that you can place between the tree and your main line. This will keep the tree from growing as close to your main line, which can help prevent a clog.
Install a waterproofing membrane.
You can also use a waterproofing membrane to help prevent a clog in your main sewer line. This is essentially a thick, waterproof membrane that you place around the sewer line. This will keep any debris from entering the main line and will help prevent the buildup of bacteria and other organisms that can cause a clog.If you go this route, you’ll want to make sure to use a high-quality membrane. You can buy these at a home improvement store, or you can even hire a contractor to install it for you.
If you have a clog in your main sewer line, you’ll need to call a contractor and let them unclog it. There are a few things you can do to try and prevent a clog in the first place. First, you should check for root intrusion. Next, you should clean your sewer and manhole regularly. Then, you can use a waterproofing membrane to help prevent a clog.